Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Dentist Treatment Skills Will Help Through the (R) Word!
Dentists may be currently looking at significant leading indicators without recognizing they are the real Four Pinocchio's. There is nothing false about them. Virgil's epic poem of The Trojan horse may have already entered into the courtyard. However me thinks the shrinking of the world wide GDP, the $8 trillion housing bubble and the lack luster of the China Olympics are permanent impressions. These indicators are the final cast. From here they go directly to disposable income.
Disneyland is the name of the four theme parks around the world. (Anaheim, Paris, Tokyo and Hong Kong. Is there room for more Pinocchio's? How about adding the following for good grace? Al Gore inventing the internet, John Kerry was a sharp shooting Rambo, Bill Clinton drifted around Harlem mixing with black folk, and Barack Obama claims he never heard the Reverend Wright's racial comments. And to be current, now Hilary claims she was under sniper attack in Bosnia during 1996.
In the board room of today's large conglomerates, the term "leading indicators" is probably on the title of each power point slide presentation. This term is as critical as a GPS "never-lost" system offered at any major airport car rental service or to be more precise, the three-stage SM-3 missile capable of a bull's-eye at 130 miles above the Pacific Ocean. Today's financial tight rope that CEO's must balance is probably as taxing as "Black Monday" of 1987 which took a 34% free fall over a three week period before the parachute finally opened.
In a democracy we do have the right to free speech so long as one does not cry "fire" in a crowded theatre. However; in the same voice there is no way of predicting with infinite accuracy, whether there will be a domino effect after the recent Bear Stearns and JP Morgan Chase's shot gun marriage arranged by the Federal Reserve with the expected plunge of the Stock markets worldwide. Unfortunately most of these 14,000 employees will loose their jobs and their dental benefits Anaheim Dental.
In such uncertain times, dental discretionary income is on the front line. The cruises, the exotic vacations, the summer cottages; even the car replacement, are all put on hold. It is therefore understandable that certain types of personal care will be under a hierarchy list. The tummy- tuck or the botox treatment may have to take second place to a root canal, a broken filling or a painful ache when you are having your morning coffee. And finally, the Whitening, the Bonding, the porcelain veneer, the crowns and implants will unfortunately be excluded until the situation improves.
There was at least one sanguine voice, that of U.S. President George Bush against the backdrop of a global credit crisis reassuring us that its (U.S.) biggest consumer economy remained "fundamentally sound". Does this qualify as a fifth Pinocchio?
A year ago it all seemed within easy reach. The streets around Tiananmen Square were celebrating the countdown to the Republic's first ever Olympic Games with choreography and fireworks, the likes of which no other nation could match the harmless beauty of such awe.
As trivial as the opening paragraphs appear to be, there is a serious side and a suggested prescription for the "R" word.
In the recession of 1987, dentists and their suppliers felt the brunt of the lack of disposable income. However the irony of certain cosmetic intervention is that very high end and expensive reconstruction procedures are recession proof simply because there will always be the filthy rich who can afford what they want in spite of a shrinking worldwide GDP.
In order to understand the putative relationships between excellent oral education and a lack there of, is to understand the inverse square law. As preventative care of both deciduous and permanent teeth increases, there is a corresponding decrease in overall dental imperfections and the need to treat simple caries.
Dentistry has gone through many changes away from "drill 'n fill". Thanks to fluoride and years of community education and training to the public at large. Practices have moved on to cosmetics and other converging technologies
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